Senior citizen - a healthy diet

Senior citizen

Healthy eating is even more important in senior citizens
Healthy aging has a lot to do with having a healthy diet throughout life, and this is a rule even for the elderly. 
An unbalanced and poor diet exacerbates existing health problems and is a cause for others.
Having a healthy diet is essential to healthy aging, but there are many elderly people with nutritional problems, particularly as they adopt a little varied diet, endangering their health, sometimes weakened.
If the power supply does not provide all the nutrients essential to the proper functioning of the body, it can undergo nutritional disorders, the most important being malnutrition.
This results from an imbalance between the supply of nutrients (including total energy) and the organic need for nutrients.
It corresponds to a condition that increases the risk of mortality and morbidity (illness).
The most obvious sign of malnutrition, relates to the lack of energy and stamina often attributed solely to old age, in the wrong way.
Regular medical supervision with monitoring of body weight, cognitive function and clinical analysis, is very important.
The nutritional deficiency increasesthe risk of cardiovascular, infectious, mental, musculoskeletal disorders and fractures.
Together with regular physical activity, healthy eating, allows the elderly to live longer and better, because several chronic degenerative diseases (diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension, obesity, etc.) are preventable.
Nutritional problems in the elderly are associated with problems of physiological, psychological, socio-economic and environmental issues.
Over the years, the organs will function worse and physiological processes are less efficient, but in conjunction with it, also the lack of teeth, xerostomy (dry mouth), decreased sense of taste and thirst, among other factors can undermine adequate diet.
Moreover, the isolation in which some elderly live in associated with some motor problems, predisposes to bad food, often without the presence of prepared foods. In some cases, financial difficulties can also condition a healthy diet, and even the psychological state (depression, isolation) can be a condition.
Fewer calories, but the same nutritional needs
Senior citizen, Health Benefits, protein, super fruits, supplements, Traditional food, Vitamin, weight loss, workout supplements,

Although, in the second third of our lives, the energy and nutrient requirements decrease, as the body 'spent' less energy because muscle mass gradually decreases, it is essential to respect the proportions recommended by the food wheel: 3 to 5 servings of fruit and vegetables, 4 to 11 parts of carbohydrates, 2 to 3 servings of milk, 1 to 3 of fat, 1.5 to 4.5 of proteins.
In some more specific diseases in the elderly may be necessary to adjust the intake of certain nutrients. But this modulation varies widely between different pathologies.
For example, if an elderly person is bedridden, unable to small solar exhibitions that promote the endogenous production of vitamin D, you may need to increase your food intake or supplementation, the same applies to those who have osteoporosis.
It is in such cases that the use of dietary supplements may be taken into consideration because, if the diet is really healthy, respecting the food wheel precepts, supplementation should not be required.

Senior citizen, Health Benefits, protein, super fruits, supplements, Traditional food, Vitamin, weight loss, workout supplements,

Like other adults, older people should eat five to six varied and balanced meals and drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water a day, since dehydration is quite common in the older population.
Drink only when thirsty may not be enough: You need to go drinking throughout the day.
This can also help prevent constipation, a common problem in older adults.
As regards to the preparation of food, there are also some rules to follow.
It is important that food texture suits the individual dentition status, and some elderly may also suffer from xerostomy (dry mouth).
In these cases, it is preferable to ingest softer or even liquid food texture. Soups and purees can be good options.
On the other hand, due to decreased taste, you should not be tempted to add more salt to the food because, as you know, excess salt is very harmful to health.
It should be given priority to seasoning with herbs, to the detriment of salt.
Also fruit is a critical piece in ahealthy diet that should be consumed daily.
How many fruits should be consumed per day? It depends on your need, the best way is to always keep up with your going to the nutritionist so he can give you better instructions, however, is recommended at least three servings a day, which should not be limited to just one fruit, we should always seek a wide variety.
These foods provide vitamins, minerals (potassium, zinc, calcium, magnesium, etc.), various fibers, protective compounds (flavonoids) which help to regulate the body.
The antioxidants (Vitamins A, C and E) are essential nutrients for the protection of cells as they fight the action of free radicals.
Together, these nutrients have protective properties that make the fruit a vital food.
Having a healthy diet, where fruits are present, is of paramount importance for the body to be able to defend itself from diseases and viruses.
The intake of vitamins and other nutrients causes the body to be protected by a kind of protective shield.
So the best way is to note that your health starts in the mouth, meaning that a healthy diet is the best way to prevent future concerns.
Remember, having a daily control of the amount of consumed fruits can significantly change your health.
Tips to eat more fruits and vegetables
Senior citizen, Health Benefits, protein, super fruits, supplements, Traditional food, Vitamin, weight loss, workout supplements,

- Keep fruit in sight (do not keep it in hidden places). This way you're more likely to eat them.
- When shopping explore the fruit and vegetable aisle and choose a few different. Variety is the key to healthy eating.
- Add fruit to your breakfast. Select plain yogurt, cut some fruit like kiwi, berries, or banana, mix them up and see how tasty it is.
- Unleash creativity. More and more traditional recipes, but cooked in a healthy way, including vegetables and fruit.
- The salads do not have to be just lettuce and tomato. There are many vegetables that you can add to your salads, as different types of cabbage, cucumber, carrot, courgette, pepper. Explore new flavors in your salad.
- Invest in a healthy sauce. Often the problem in eating some vegetables is related to their less pleasant taste. Try adding a sauce with healthy ingredients.
The most recommended vitamins for seniors
Vitamins are important for maintaining healthy bodily functions. The human body does not produce them (except vitamin D), so we must get them from food or vitamin supplements.
Neglecting the body's need for certain vitamins can lead to health problems.
A diet that includes a variety of fruits and vegetables is the best source to obtain the necessary vitamins, but dietary supplements are also an option.
Senior citizen, Health Benefits, protein, super fruits, supplements, Traditional food, Vitamin, weight loss, workout supplements,

Vitamin supplements are particularly important in old age. With the difficulty that the elderly have to eat some foods, there is a shortage of almost all nutrients.
In most cases, it is recommended that a multivitamin since many of them are missing.
The food supplement must be taken into account as a substitute for a poor diet, or the person cannot accomplish, especially when the person is sick or is an old man who does not eat properly.
What is the safest place to buy supplements, to which you do not have direct access? The Amazon website is the largest and safest global shopping site, with products for all tastes and deliveries to the entire world, and you do not even have to leave home, so it’s a good option.
That’s why this kind of supplements can be purchased online, at Amazon (safely and with the quality of this great company), in the form of supplements of capsules or powder, or even in dried fruit form in some cases.

Images: StockSnap