Running sport and the use of supplements

Currently the number of people devotees to street race increases every day. These are people who seek weight loss, quality of life, fun, stress relief, improved performance, etc.
Regardless of the goal, it is important for street racers to seek guidance both in the training (after all, the workout on the street is more exhausting and impressive than on the mat, for example) and in the food.
A sports nutritionist should be consulted to adjust the diet and supplementation to these practitioners or athletes. 
Is it worth the use of supplements in running? 
The market for supplements is constantly growing and publicity related to these products is becoming more and more  aggressive.
Promises of quick results, significant improvement in performance, not to mention weight loss in the pursuit of the perfect body.
Is it worth the use of supplements in running?
A food supplement is, as the name implies, a supplement and its purpose is to supplement a healthy and balanced diet but does not replace it.
But the truth is that one of the main reasons given by athletes to consume supplements, continues to be the correction of dietary mistakes
In an effort of long duration and variable intensity, as the middle and long distance running, it is intended primarily to maximize reserves and endurance.
Generally, are efforts that do not involve an effort to speed or maximum explosion nor a significant muscle mass gain. However, it is a mode in which the muscle damage is significant and may impair recovery, thereby delaying a good performance.
The other particularity of running modalities are the needs during the race, since it becomes impractical to eat solid food when you want to provide quick and easily digestible energy, supplements turn out to be viable alternatives.
Sports drinks are a key ally in the hydration and replacement of electrolytes lost in sweat.

Supplements in gel 
The replacement of carbohydrate, water and electrolytes during long training and competition is important and therefore there are dietary supplements for this purpose.

It is found in powder form for dilution in water and also in gel form, which is most recommended because of its effectiveness and does not interrupt the athlete's physical work to prepare the supplement.
Some gel composite food substances have carbohydrate supplements such as vitamins and amino acids to further improve athletic performance.
These supplements, in the form of gel, win the preferences of athletes. When consumed properly, food supplements, such as carbohydrate in the form of gel, bring plenty of benefits.

Next I will list some of the supplements most suitable for the running practice, bringing benefits in agility, endurance and muscle recovery. They should be used provided that the food plan is already correct.
1 - Gainer / Meal replacement
The calorie are nothing more than a mixture of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals, that is, many of them are considered meal replacements because they have all the nutrients we need.
They can increase daily calorie intake, in a healthy way, thus enabling a positive energy balance necessary to runners who have a very high loss of energy.
However, this type of supplement should not be used for people wanting to lose weight, only to those who can not eat a lot and wanting to put more calories in the diet.
2 - Proteins and amino acids
Proteins (whey protein, casein, albumin, etc.), are generally used to improve muscle recovery, power gain and output power during exercise.
They can be used in pre-workout, post-workout, upon waking and before bed, remembering that whey is rapidly absorbed and casein, albumin and soy, are of middle-slow absorption.
Upon waking and after training the best option is those of rapid digestion and before training and before bed, those of medium-slow absorption.
The amino acids (BCAA, glutamine, arginine) improve muscle strength, regenerate the immune system and perform maintenance of muscle mass. Excellent for recovery, very important for those who train every day or feel sore muscles.
3- Stimulants
Stimulants are very interesting for those who want to improve performance, focus, agility and even burn excess fats. The most recommended are supplements and/or manipulated formulas containing caffeine, green tea, inositol, citrus aurantium, taurine, fucus, mate, etc.
4- Carbohydrates
They can be used as powder, liquid or gel! Every runner should have a diet and supplementation rich in carbohydrates; after all, he is the main supplier of energy. Supplements with carbohydrates can be used before, during and after workouts.
5- Joint protectors
Are supplements containing chondroitin, glucosamine and MSM. Are excellent to protect and lubricate knees and ankles often injured in the race, and then the goal is prevention and relief of existing pain, avoiding serious injury and surgery in the future.
6 - Isotonic
Sports drinks are great for intense workouts, days of competition, etc., after all, besides having carbohydrates, which keeps the glucose level in the blood, they also contain minerals lost during sweating, so they help to replace fluids, carbohydrates and minerals, preventing dehydration, cramps, dizziness, malaise, etc.
They can also be used before, during and after workouts and even throughout the day as well.

Important: The information provided is not individualized, so a nutritionist should be consulted before starting a diet.