Beneficial foods for blood are important to help fight or prevent against anemia.
Food beneficial to the blood determines the
quality of the bloodstream, which has a direct effect on our blood vessels and heart!
Keeping your circulatory system
healthy is very important. Your body depends on your heart to pump blood through the blood vessels to be delivered to each and every one of your cells.
Beneficial foods for blood helps carry oxygen from the lungs to the cells of your body, so if there is a problem with your blood type - anemia,
diabetes, or your blood vessels as - arteries and blocked veins,
atherosclerosis, are problems that can make the whole body suffer.
If your brain is not getting enough oxygen,
you may feel dizzy and lightheaded and unable to think clearly.
Food beneficial to the blood, rich in antioxidants, creates increased blood flow and increase the growth of new healthy cells,
thus improving the cardiovascular
If the stomach does not get enough oxygen,
then digestion and metabolism begin to decline increasing the sensation of cold.
If a blood vessel is not working
properly, the blood would stop flowing for a certain part of the body, and without blood, the cells in that particular part of the body could die.
First of all, some important tips
Avoid drinking lots of saturated and trans fats,
as they will be deposited in the form of plaques in your arteries and veins,
obstructing the passage of blood. If this situation gets worse, it can even lead to death.
Make tests to see if everything is correct with your circulation,
particularly if there have been cases of this kind in your family, which can influence.
Avoiding a sedentary lifestyle also helps in blood circulation. Therefore, "adopt" a sport or activity as a hobby and commit to doing at least twice a week.
Drink water! It seems a banal tip, but drinking several glasses of water a day is essential for the proper
functioning of your body.
Check 6 Beneficial Foods for the Blood!
Fig, one of the most beneficial fruit for blood, is filled with minerals. Figs have a high iron
content, which is a great
builder of blood and helpful in cases of anemia.
Studies also indicate that the fruit fig have the ability to shrink cancerous tumors, and contains more calcium than milk, and more potassium than bananas. Potassium is a mineral that helps control blood pressure, maintaining our circulatory system strong and healthy.
Beet juice is a blood purifier and blood builder and
help to create red blood cells. Beet juice improves the
structure of the blood and cure of diseases of the circulatory system,
large intestines and digestive system. Beets are very powerful cleaners liver and kidneys,
which help cleanse the circulatory
system. Drinking fresh beet juice can help reverse their problems with anemia or other blood disorders such as high
Parsley is known as one of the most beneficial foods for blood,
what does classify it as a superfood.
Parsley is rich in chlorophyll and vitamin C,
which is a great anti-inflammatory
and helps the body absorb iron.
Parsley is also an excellent
source of folic acid, which is crucial for reducing homocysteine levels. Parsley is a powerful diuretic that reduces blood pressure and improves the renal function.
Anemia occurs when there is not enough hemoglobin - a compound of iron and protein in red blood cells. The beneficial foods for blood, such as spinach, increase iron levels to prevent or combat anemia or other blood disorders.
Spinach is rich in iron and vitamin C,
and the two together help to improve iron absorption - Vitamin C helps the body absorb more iron from food consumed. Spinach is also a good source of chlorophyll, which is a major builder of blood. Enjoy spinach in vitamins,
or salad, for a healthy blood!
Drinking a cup of nettle tea a day can have significant effects on your blood!
One of the best available blood purifiers,
and can thus help clean both internally and eczema combating anemia. It has a huge influence on the pancreas and helps in lowering blood pressure and glucose levels in the blood. Nettles not only help the blood,
but they protect against hair loss, kidney stones,
allergies, hay fever, osteoarthritis, internal bleeding, uterine bleeding, nasal bleeding and intestinal bleeding. They protect against enlargement of the spleen,
diabetes, endocrine disorders, stomach acid,
diarrhea, dysentery, lung congestion, cancer and anti-aging. The best way to consume nettles is early in the morning before breakfast.
Drink tea every day during a month, twice a year,
to help purify and clean the blood.
Foods that improve
blood circulation
Fruits: barbados cherry, orange, guava,
strawberry, blackberry, lemon, banana and pineapple. These are the main fruits
that help in some way your blood vessels, strengthening them, especially.
Fish: salt water fishes are best, as
they are rich in omega 3, extremely important for the body.
Vegetables: all vegetables
are recommended, you should choose what suits you.
Soy: it is highly recommended, a good
alternative for those who can not eat certain types of food.
Grains and cereals: must be
consumed, bet on whole grains.
Meat: chicken breast and turkey breast
should be eaten without skin, shrimp, pork and seafood can not be eaten in
excess. The ox meat, ham and sausage should be decreased.
Milk and eggs: the dairy
products can be consumed, but giving preference to low-fat, natural yogurt or
light and low-fat cheeses. The eggs are allowed, but are recommended cooked.
Other foods: peanuts, whole
grape juice, wheat germ, garlic, apple cider vinegar and chestnuts.
body care, these days, usually are restricted to aesthetics, because the
appearance is what matters most for some. The problem is that many people
forget to take care of their health.
ills can occur without people noticing. Poor blood circulation is one, often
ignored because it is not considered dangerous. But it is quite common and can
be avoided before it starts to give unintended consequences, especially among
women, who hate cellulite and varicose veins, for example (they are caused by
this problem).
forget, the main means of ensuring good blood circulation is the proper nutrition with healthy foods.